Lofi Drum Enhancment Part 2

So earlier this week I did a video about using Lofi as a way to emulate the bottom snare mic by using lofi as a insert in pro tools. Today I will be talking about how to further get into sound designing a whole track to sound like a bottom snare mic on its own fader.

Whenever I need to or want to change a sound completely while keeping some aspects of the original I like to do whats called Parallel processing. In Parallel Processing you basically ether make a copy of the original audio track or use a send in pre fader to make a copy and use that track to completely change the way the audio sound and treat it like its own microphone or audio track.. this way you have the best of both worlds. you get to process the audio on its own track and transform it into a totally new sound or tone, while at the same time keep the integrity or the original source.

In this example I am using Parallel sends to sum both snare top mics into one track where I use Lofi to make a track that sounds like a bottom snare mic, while using Mcdsp’s retro eq and ultimate compressor to fine tune and dial in the exact tone and sound i want. then I slowly blend it in as if it was its own snare drum mic this way i treat the channel as if i had it the whole time.

This method is great for many things, usually for enhancing elements to extremes because of the total lack of something you wanted to add.

read artical one for more indepth talk about the Lofi plugin that i used.

screen capture software used can be found at http://www.litecam.net/en/product/litecam-hd/

The microphone I use for voice over work and session recordings is amazing and super cheap its called the Green 12 from 12 gauge microphones : http://www.12gaugemicrophones.com/products.html